Thursday, 13 November 2014

Where My Video Would Feature

During the process of making a music video, it would need to be considered where my product would feature. There are many sites that would feature my music video, such as YouTube, Vevo, Vimo, etc. All of these sites are common places for music videos to feature. Another thing that would be helpful to consider in regards to promoting my music video would be social media. It would be important for me to advertise my video on sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Istagram etc. in order to get the most views on my video possible.
YouTube is a good place for music videos to be posted because of the accessibility and the amount of viewer possibilities the site holds. Videos from YouTube can be shared over the internet via social media which will help to advertise the video and gain it more views.
All of this is important for the advertisement of my music video as if it is hard to find, it's not going to get many views because of the amount of videos out there. Having the video easy to find and easy to share on YouTube will help to gain more views and promote the music. Social media is the backbone to this idea because of the amount of sharing and promotion that can be done over the internet through social media.
My video would also feature on music channels as this is a common way for people to consume music videos. A major example of how people do this is switching over to music channels during advert breaks of the television program they are watching or having the music on in the background when they are doing wok around the house. Examples of music channels my video could feature on include MTV, 4music or Capital TV.

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